"The City" in Transition
“Just Thinking” I was speaking with a new client the other day who grew up on the peninsula and now lives near me in the East Bay. I let her know that I was born and raised in San Francisco, we talked about “The City” and she told me how much she enjoyed visiting it with her family as a young girl then she told me that she hadn’t been there in a couple of years and that the last couple times that she visited she was disillusioned by its current condition. I told her how much I enjoyed growing up there and how proud I was to be from San Francisco. I also told her that I always intended to move back to “The City” once the boys were grown and on their own, but because of how much it has changed, I no longer desire to move back. San Francisco has become a completely different city in the last 25 years. I don’t want to sound like the typical old guy, “get off my lawn” or “back in my day”, but it seems to me that the difference between previous generations discussing how much “The City...